The RM7895A,B,C,D/EC7895A,C; RM7896A,B,C,D are
microprocessor-based integrated burner controls for
automatically fired gas, oil, or combination fuel single burner
applications. They are intended to replace the R4795 and
R7795 Primary Controls. The RM7895A,B,C,D/EC7895A;
RM7896A,B,C,D systems consist of a relay module, subbase,
amplifier, and purge card. Options include keyboard display
module (KDM), Personal Computer Interface, Data
ControlBus™ Module, remote display mounting, expanded
annunciator and Combustion System Manager® Software.
Functions provided by the RM7895A,B,C,D/EC7895A,C;
RM7896A,B,C,D include automatic burner sequencing,
flame supervision, system status indication, system or
self-diagnostics and troubleshooting. The RM7896 provides
a postpurge function.
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Honeywell RM7895A,B,C,D/EC7895A,C; RM7896A,B,C,D 7800 SERIES Relay Modules
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