
Protection TPA, Test plug Assembly for micro amp test meter Accessories

Protection TPA, Test plug Assembly for micro amp test meter Accessories
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Protection TPA, Test plug Assembly for micro amp test meter Accessories

Protection TPA, Test plug Assembly for micro amp test meter Accessories

Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
$38.28     /ea
Usually Ships 2 - 4 Days
Protectofier monitors one or more burners, and responds to the presence or absence of flame via the rectification principle. When using a flame rod, the flame itself serves as a switch to open or close a D.C. circuit to Flame-Pak. Similarly, when using a P-C II Scanner, a D.C. signal source is created by the Ultra Violet sensitive tube only when the flame is scanned. With either sensing system, if the signal from the flame to Flame-Pak is interrupted (response time, 4 seconds or less), the circuit to the safety shut-off valve is broken, which automatically shuts down the complete system (and can also energize circuit to alarm). The Telefier light instantly indicates faulty burner in a multi-burner system.

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